City Progressing In Water Meter Implementation Plan
Cranbrook, BC (November 4, 2024)
The City of Cranbrook is in the early stages of water meter implementation for all new buildings and developments in the short-term, while working towards a plan to update water meter rates and phase in metering of existing properties in the future.
The implementation of water meters was approved by Council in late 2023 during public meetings as a part of the 2024 budget and was also part of the City’s new Water Quality & Supply Master Plan. Water metering is one of many initiatives coming out of that Plan to ensure a safe, sustainable, and reliable water supply for the long term, including a new UV Disinfection Facility, reconstruction of the Gold Creek Dam, updates to the City residential and commercial bylaw watering restrictions, as well as optimization and reduction of water use across all City operations.
Water metering is a well-established best practice that is intended to provide fair and equitable water rates, monitor water usage and leaks, and help incentivize wise water consumption to alleviate impacts of droughts and maximize the lifespan and effectiveness of water supply infrastructure.
In an update to Council at their regular meeting on Monday night, Administration shared that a Request For Proposal (RFP) was issued recently to select a water meter supplier and software supplier, which will be a part of the Council directed water meter implementation plan.
“There is no firm budget or schedule for the software implementation and water setting rate setting, as we want to work with the successful proponent selected through this RFP process, and Council, on various options available to move forward,” says Mike Matejka, Director of Engineering and Development Services. “Having a water meter supplier selected will still allow for meters to be installed in new builds at the cost of the builder or developer, as is the standard practice in other municipalities.”
Staff have been working on guidelines, standards and specifications for meter installations and will also be reviewing bylaw and policy updates that will be needed to formalize the requirements for water meter installation moving forward.
This first step is to install meters on new builds only. The process is still in its preliminary stages with no plan yet in place for universal metering of existing properties, although that will be the eventual goal of the metering program. Administration will be engaging with Council and bringing back more information in early 2025 to help guide the next steps for the water meter implementation plan.