Interior Health is making it easier for people living in the East Kootenay to access community health resources they need with the launch of a toll free number.
Beginning today (May 18th, 2021) people seeking Home and Community Care and Chronic Disease Management programs can now call 1-800-707-8550 to reach a central intake office. Programs include:
Care Management Services:
community nursing, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, dietician, social work, speech language and respiratory therapy
home support for activities of daily living such as personal care, special exercise, medication assistance and in home respite
adult day services
eligibility assessment for funded assisted living and long term care homes
Chronic Disease Management (diabetes, cardiac health an. kidney care)
Acquired Brain Injury Services
Community Palliative services (nursing, social work and hospice care)
The single point of access phone number is available for both the public and clinical to use. for easier access to community based programs/services. Central hours of intake are five days a week, 8:30am to 4:30-pm.
NOTE: This number do not replace existing contact numbers, including the Interior Health crisis line (1-888-353-2273), acute or emergency or 911. In an emergency always call 911.